ARE YOU A MUSIC ARTISTE?MUST READ:8 Easy Steps to become a Successful Music Artiste in Nigeria

8 Easy Steps to become a Successful Music Artiste in Nigeria

The internet creates tons of new opportunities for upcoming artists. Becoming famous was never easier
and more feasible than these days. Even well-known label bosses claim that there’s no need for a record label
to make it in this game. But there’s also a downside to this:

Every kid with internet can record songs and publish them online. The internet is literally being flooded with new music every day. And the consumers and fans out there are getting overwhelmed big time. It’s self-evident
that standing out becomes more and more important.

It is hard to ignore the fact that music today has moved from pretty simple lyrics to words that do not
exist in the oxford dictionary talk more of How do you explain the meaning of
iyanaya’s “na na na na na na….your waist” or Flavour’s “Porokoto pokoro pakoroba”?
With the type of lyrics that are being put out today by Nigerian artists, it would be pretty hard for an artist
who sang “If I could runaway, I’d run with you faraway” to compete with someone who spills
“Kukere I get money o” on the dance floor. Our years of experience in the Nigerian music industry
as music promoter, artiste managers, media publicist, Media consultants and shows organizers has given us an insight as to what sells in Nigeria. Trust me when I say I have cracked that
code as to how you can become a successful Nigerian artiste just by releasing one single! Here are the 8 proven steps you must follow religiously to become a successful artiste in Nigeria!

1) Quality Is important
Quality is probably the most important aspect of your
music. Most upcoming artists have no idea of quality:
Their rhymes are crappy, their mixing and mastering
sucks and their overall music just doesn’t sound
professional. The easiest way to stand out and make a
serious impression is to step up and handle your audio
quality. Get yourself a studio with a decent condenser
microphone, a better sound card and find someone who
will mix and master your songs at least semi-
professionally. If you sound professional, people will
think you are professional. This single step will put you
ahead of most other upcoming artists in this game.
2. Keep in shape
This is already self-explanatory. You can’t be looking
like Rick Ross and expecting your female fans to
appreciate you. In order to be able to throw off your
shirt at any given time, you will need to have the right
6packs (Please no hungry packs) but the right packs
like Iyanya, Dipp and D’banj. Now if you a female
artiste, then you need to shed off those unwanted fats
around your stomach and reserve it for your hips and
bust because this is what Nigerian men love and you
need it for your photo and video shoots.
3. Show some skin
Now Nigerians love daring performances (You can
trace this back to Fela’s days). In order to have an
engaging concert, you must be willing to show some
chest on stage like D’banj and throw your shirt into
the crowd like Iyanya.
A Disclaimer: Please do not attempt this if you do not
have a six packs and your body is only suitable for a
Michelin advertisement. (Just kidding :) )
For the ladies, a little baring of the laps hurts no one.
You can contact Tiwa Savage and Emmy Nyra for a
few tips on how to bare it all and still look classy.
4. Hit the headlines (Controversy)
Denrele once said “Good publicity is good publicity.
Bad publicity is good publicity. No publicity is bad
Being in the news is key! Do whatever it takes to hit
the headlines! You got to be kidding me if you need
suggestions on how to achieve this. Ok, I’ll give you a
few. Have several baby mamas, have several tattoos
or date two popular celebrities, start a twitter fight by
dissing another celeb or release a terrible song,
breakup with your music label or have a groupie take
a photo of you in bed while you pretend to be asleep.
Please follow these suggestions at your own risk
because I do not endorse bad behavior.

5. Get a slogan
You think Tonto Dike was dumb when she thought of
We have seen artistes carve a niche for themselves
with slangs that they use. Iyanya gave us “Your
waist”, Durella would “Zanga” this, Dbanj is the
custodian of “Kokolet, Labata, Lebete, Eja nla and so on” while
Tuface never fails to remind us that “Nothin dey
You can just think of something unique and make it yours!
6. Make Yourself Official
No matter how upcoming and unknown you are, to
really stand out you have to look official. Make sure to
get that official look of the pros. If you look like a pro your
listeners will assume that you are a pro. It’s as simple as
that. Here are some tips on how to get a more
professional look: Contact a good graphic designer and
get a neat, authentic and customized logo. Make sure to
get an official website (
we can design a customized official website for you
Always use the same logo,
pictures, name, domain and format in all your internet
appearances. If you post YouTube videos, make sure to
use the same or a similar format for titles and
descriptions every time.
And also create official profiles on social networks for your music, i mean an official facebook fan page and twitter handle this will create a corporate
identity and give you an official look. And lastly Get a good
promotional body to portray your talent for you
7. Feature a Well-Known Artiste
Getting on a track with a well-known artist makes you
stand out like crazy. Most self-proclaimed upcoming
artists will never do that: They are simply too afraid, don’t
believe that it’s impossible and last but not least they
don’t know how it’s done. This is a huge opportunity for
you. Nothing will boost your credibility more than a
collaboration with a medium well-known artist. There’s
no doubt that this is one of the best ways to stand out.
Featuring a well- known artiste is easy, we can hook you up with an artiste of your choice, just let us know when you ready
8. The best things are not for FREE!
Dont be reluctant when it comes to spending, in the present Nigerian music industry if you can’t pay the right people I’m sorry to say your music will go nowhere, OAPs, Social Media
publicists, Radio/Satellite channels, Magazines, Top DJs, Top bloggers, music promotion companies, don’t joke with the services of those people, consult them to work for you even if it requires paying them huge amounts for the publicity you need just for you to get to the top.


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